Protect your water pipes and hoses during cold weather.
During the winter months, temperatures can fall below freezing and could potentially cause water pipes to burst. There are several steps you can take to protect the pipes and hoses inside or outside your home from cold weather damage:bursting water pipe.
Disconnect and drain garden hoses when they are not being used.
Wrap exposed irrigation pipes with pipe insulation, insulated "faucet socks," an old towel, or heat or duct tape. These products can be found at your neighborhood building supply store.
Insulate your irrigation backflow device by draping a towel over it and covering it with a bucket or other protective cover that touches the ground. Do not cover pipes completely to allow some air flow around them (air flow is necessary for the device to function properly).
Set your thermostat to at least 55 degrees when you're away to protect indoor pipes and houseplants. Do not turn your heat off completely.
Turn off the water valves to your washing machine to avoid flooding that could result from burst hoses.
You do not need to leave interior or exterior faucets and pipes dripping.
In the case of a broken pipe, locate your water shut-off valve. . Follow the instructions below to turn off your water, so you can minimize damage from leaks or burst water lines.
Turning off water at the main water meter:
This will shut off water both inside and outside your home.
Locate the main water meter. Most meters can be found in the sidewalk in front of your home. The lid to the meter box should be stamped with the words "City of Clinton" or "Water."
Lift the lid. You will either see a meter with a handle or one that has two rings, one on each side of the meter. If you have a handle on your meter, simply turn the handle clockwise. This should shut off the water completely.
It is the homeowner’s responsibility for making repairs to busted water pipes, and irrigation lines. The City of Clinton is not responsible for making these repairs.